What's New & Special Offers
This is an important page where we keep you up-to-date on our Special Offers and anything new that's happening...Hair & Beauty Professionals Against Domestic Abuse

1 in 4 women will experience abuse from a partner or ex-partner at some time in their life and 2 are killed each week. They may be clients, colleagues – even family and friends.
Seeing the signs, offering a kind word and providing information on how to access professional support may change or save someone’s life.
All our Team have now taken part in the training which we hope will help us to spot the signs that someone is experiencing domestic abuse and guide us on how to respond in the best way. It’s not about intervening or interfering but knowing how we can truly help someone who may really need it.
Wellness & Complementary Therapies

Here at Lorrens Ladies Spa we have partnered with The Amethyst Trust and are committed to training all of our therapists in specific training for cancer wellness. This will enable us as a ladies health spa to ensure that those ladies on their cancer journey can benefit from wellness support we offer through the enjoyment of a number of holistic therapies in a very safe way from fully trained professionals. These include:
- Face and Head Massage
- Full Body Aromatherapy (cancer touch) Massage
- Reflexology Massage